Submit a profile to be featured in our
Hepatitis Awareness Month and World Hepatitis Day
social media campaigns

Question Title

* 1. Name - Type your name exactly how you would like it to appear in your #MoreThanB profile on social media. For example, you may use your full name, first name only, a nickname, or your initials.

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* 2. Country

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* 3. City and/or State (Optional)

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* 4. How old are you? (Optional)

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* 5. Tell us what makes you "More Than B"! - Provide a brief description or short story about yourself in 100 words or less. You can tell us about your everyday life, what you do for work, your favorite hobbies or pastimes, where you live, an achievement you're proud of, your family/loved ones (including pets!), a memory from your childhood, a hope or dream you have for the future, or anything else you want to share about yourself. 

Please note that we will paraphrase or shorten any submissions that are over 100 words, and if needed, we may also edit submissions to add clarification or correct linguistic or grammatical errors.

Profile Examples

"I've lived with hepatitis B my entire life but it doesn't define me! I love to be outside and some of my favorite outdoor activities include hiking, camping, swimming, and rollerblading!"

"World Hepatitis Day has new meaning for me. I became a mother on July 28th. It has been the most challenging and rewarding experience. In the beginning, things were (and still are) tough. I was in pain and emotionally drained. Behind social media posts, not many share the feeling of loneliness without being alone (of course, the pandemic did not help). Ethan is now 7 months old and my greatest joy. His smiles, giggles, and daily discoveries re-energize my most exhausting days. As he grows up, I can’t wait to witness all of life’s wonder through his eyes."

"I am a wife, dog mom, marathoner and avid traveler. I am passionate about food, hiking, being in nature, exploring, public health and eliminating hepatitis B."

Question Title

* 6. Translation (Optional) - If you prefer to write your #MoreThanB profile in another language, you may upload it as a PDF or Word document here, and we will do our best to translate it into English.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.

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* 7. Upload 1-2 photos of yourself for your #MoreThanB profile. If you prefer not to show yourself on social media, you may submit photos you have taken of things related to your profile instead. For example: a place you've traveled to, the view from your home or office window, your garden, your pet, or anything else that you mentioned in your description.  

Remember that these photos will be shared publicly and globally on our social media pages, so we ask that you do not submit photos that include other people unless they have given you their permission to appear online.

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 8. Additional Photo (Optional)

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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Photo Examples

<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Photo Examples</span>

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* 9. Social Media (Optional) - If you would like to be tagged when we post your #MoreThanB profile, please share your personal and/or professional social media handles here.

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* 10. What is your connection to hepatitis B? (Check all that apply.)

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* 11. Email Address - We will not share your email address publicly; this is only required so we can follow up with you about your profile or additional storytelling opportunities.

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* 12. Story Release and Consent Terms - By submitting this form, I agree to the following: 

I hereby grant permission for the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF), Hep B United (HBU), and authorized partners to publish any content (stories, quotes, photos, videos, audio) that I submit through this form in HBF/HBU materials and media channels used for education, outreach, advocacy. This includes but is not limited to websites, social media, advertising, print and electronic newsletters, publications, posters, postcards, flyers, outreach/education/training materials, meeting or conference presentations, newspaper and magazine articles, radio, podcasts, and organizational reports.

I acknowledge and agree that the content I submit through this form may be edited (for example, to paraphrase, shorten, add clarification, or correct linguistic or grammatical errors), published, republished, distributed, and/or licensed by HBF now or at any time in the future for education, outreach, and advocacy.

If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns about this form, please email Rhea Racho (Program Manager for the Hepatitis B Foundation) at Thank you!