Monticello Parks & Recreation Teen Survey


The City of Monticello Parks and Recreation Department wants to know how it can better serve teens in the community. Please help the department by providing feedback with the survey below.
1.How old are you?
2.Where do you usually go after school?
3.What parks and recreation programs do you participate in? (Check all that apply)
4.What do you enjoy doing? (Check all that apply)
5.What amenities would you like to have in the parks? (Check all that apply)
6.What activities would you like to see in the parks? (Check all that apply)
7.What would motivate you to participate in teen programs? (Check all that apply)
8.What prevents you from participating in teen programs? (Check all that apply)
9.How would you like to find information about teen classes and programs?
10.If you answered that social media on the previous question, list what types would be best. 
11.Would you be interested in volunteering opportunities in the parks? This could include opportunities such as cleaning up parks, helping with events, caring for trees within the parks, being a teen ambassador of a park, etc.
12.Would you consider a part-time job during the summer with the Monticello Parks and Recreation? This could include being a lifeguard, working at the concessions, park maintenance, etc.
13.What else can Monticello Parks and Recreation do to make you feel welcomed and have a place in the parks?