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The Molalla Avenue Streetscape Project is split into the North Half (Beavercreek Road to Fir Street) and South Half (Fir Street to Hwy 213).  The project is currently at 30% design. 

What does 30% design mean?

The history of record drawings and past planning have been reviewed.  Field land survey is complete, traffic counts have been collected, roadway cross sections have been drafted, lane configuration drawings have been depicted, and areas requiring more design effort have been established.

The project has completed most of the traffic analysis needed along the corridor. This work has proven:

o   Need for a new traffic signal at Fir Street.

o   Determination of left turn lane capacity needs at each intersection.

o   Identified possible locations for raised medians.

o   Evaluated pedestrian crossing needs and where the safest locations are for pedestrian specific signalization.

We are looking for feedback to get us to 60% design. The 60% plans are scheduled to be completed by mid-summer.

Take a look at the Corridor Maps and provide your thoughts, comments, and concerns below. Questions listed are generally in order from North to South along the corridor.
North Half of Corridor
South Half of Corridor 
Examples of Needed Improvements

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Project Overview

Project Overview

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North Half of Corridor 

<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">North Half of Corridor </a>

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South Half of Corridor

<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">South Half of Corridor</a>

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* 1. Beavercreek Road to Clairmont Way
The project has identified a future need for 400 feet of the left turn lane on Molalla Avenue northbound (towards downtown) to Beavercreek Road westbound (towards the County offices).
In order to keep the flow of traffic along Molalla Avenue, we would need to install a center median and traffic separator across the South Ridge Center Driveway and the north access to the Mountain View Apartments.

Installation of the median would limit those driveways to right-in/right-out turning movements but would allow a safe mid-block pedestrian crossing and remove conflict points for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists using this section of Molalla Avenue. 

Do you support safety and efficient through-traffic on Molalla Avenue over multiple access to commercial parking? 

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* 2. Clairmont Way to Gaffney Lane
A center median and traffic separator are recommended to preserve the flow of traffic along Molalla Avenue. Each of the existing three driveways (Joanne’s Fabric, Burgerville, and a vacant driveway on the east side) would become right-in/right-out driveways. Access to these businesses for drivers traveling northbound on Molalla Avenue would be via a left turn at either Gaffney Lane or Clairmont Street. Removing left turn movements limits the number of potential collision points between vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles, making the corridor safer for all users. 

Do you support safety and efficient through-traffic on Molalla Avenue over multiple access to commercial parking? 

Question Title

* 3. Fir Street to Char Diaz Drive
Traffic counts require a  traffic signal at Fir Street which will include marked crosswalks. Due to the installation of the Fir Street traffic signal, the existing marked crosswalk at Garden Meadow will be eliminated as it would be too close to the Fir Street traffic signal. A new marked pedestrian actuated crossing will be installed to align with the pedestrian pathway from the neighborhood on the west side and the Post Office on the east side.

Do you walk in this neighborhood?

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* 4. Char Diaz Drive to Lazy Creek Lane
A new marked pedestrian crossing and raised median is proposed as far south as possible while still maintaining adequate left turn capacity to Oregon City Point and providing safe sight distance for vehicles traveling northbound on Molalla Avenue from Hwy 213.

As a driver, what recommendations do you have to make the corridor a safer place for drivers, bikers, and pedestrians?

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* 5. Transit Stops
The project team, in coordination with TriMet, has identified proposed transit stops along the corridor. TriMet prefers that stops be located after an intersection as this creates a safer environment for pedestrians exiting the bus and also allows vehicles to still use the intersection if they are making a right turn. Once the transit stop locations have been determined, the project team will review the stop usage and determine the transit stop amenities that will be included at each transit stop location.

Do you use TriMet along this corridor? 

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* 6. Do the proposed transit stop locations work well for those who ride transit?

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The City sees the south end of Molalla Avenue as one of the City’s many entry locations.  Visitors entering Oregon City will find entry features at Highway 213 and Washington Street, and at 99E near Dunes Drive.  Review the design elements of other Cities entry features and let us know which theme you support.

The City sees the south end of Molalla Avenue as one of the City&rsquo;s many entry locations.&nbsp; Visitors entering Oregon City will find entry features at Highway 213 and Washington Street, and at 99E near Dunes Drive.&nbsp; Review the design elements of other Cities entry features and let us know which theme you support.

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* 7. Entry Feature
Which would you most support?

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* 8. General Feedback? 

What do you like about the current 30% design features and what do you want to see implemented? What do you see that could provide a better and safer experience for a pedestrian, bicyclist, transit,  or ADA accessible modes of travel? See something that just doesn’t work or needs to be looked at again? As a user of the Molalla Avenue corridor, what is the vehicle movement you find most concerning? 

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* 9. How did you hear about the project?

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* 10. Contact information

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