Program Requirements & Participation

Test equipment vendors and companies that have devices under test (DUTs) are encouraged to apply to participate in the 14-18 July 2025 A-PHY Compliance Program test event. The event will take place at the Resillion testing labs facility in Hasselt, Belgium, and will focus on exploratory Rx test, Tx, correlation and onboarding of additional test equipment vendors.

MIPI membership is mandatory to participate in the event. The A-PHY Compliance Advisory Group will review all submissions and select participants based on the needs of the testing event to balance representation of Tx and Rx DUTs in the testing process. Each participating company must provide personal on-site support, and participation is required for the entire week of the event.

Interested companies should review the requirements below and submit this application by 15 April.

Please align within your company and submit only one response to this call for interest.

Tx DUT Requirements

  • Outputting Test Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are required to test PSD, Droop, Jitter, Eye/Linearity, detailed in section 9.1 of the specification.
  • Set Test Mode registers as described in the A-PHY transceiver specification
Rx DUT Requirements
  • Coaxial automotive connector type
  • Vendor must provide an implementation of the CLI as detailed in the A-PHY CTS appendix OR may provide a simple command line tool as detailed in the A-PHY CTS appendix.
  • DUT should work on Windows environment.
  • Support (natively or by adaptor) connection to a 3.5mm-compatible test cable

Question Title

* My company confirms that its device(s) meets all the requirements described above.

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* Company

Question Title

* Company Contact for Test Event

Question Title

* Which type of device are you interested in testing?

Question Title

* Please describe the device to be tested:

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* The device is:

Question Title

* Have you validated your device’s ability to output the test mode signals required in the A-PHY CTS?

Question Title

* Have you ever participated in any interoperability testing with your DUT using a device from another vendor?

20% of survey complete.