Hope Survey of Spiritual Leaders

Thank you for your willingness to complete this anonymous survey!  The information you provide will be used by LeaderWise to foster the health and development of spiritual leaders.  In the first few questions you will be asked to provide general information about your background.
With which of the following groups do you identify professionally?  (select all that apply)
Which of the following best describes your current  role?  (please select one)
Which of the following best describes the locale of the house(es) of worship where  you serve?
What is your age?
Consider the following definitions of hope and hopelessness as you answer the remainder of the items in this survey:  Hope is the expectation that one will have positive experiences or that potentially negative situations will ultimately result in a favorable state of affairs.  Hopelessness is the expectation that one will not experience positive emotions or an improvement in one's condition.
Please read each item carefully and identify the degree to which each statement is true or false for you.
Definitely False
Mostly False
Mostly True
Definitely True
1. If I should find myself stuck in a problem, I could think of many ways to get out of it.
2. At the present time I am energetically pursuing my goals
3. I feel tired most of the time.
4. I can think of many ways around any obstacle in life.
5. I am easily defeated in an argument.
6. I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are important to me.
7. I worry about my health.
8. Even when others get discouraged, I know I can find a way to solve the problem.
9. My past experiences have prepared me well for my future.
10. Right now I see myself as being pretty successful in life.
11. I usually find myself worrying about something.
12. I meet the goals that I set for myself.
Identify the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Disagree nor Agree
Strongly Agree
13. I am satisfied with my life.
14. My life has meaning.
15. I am so overwhelmed, nothing I do will help.
16. I am valued for what I am.
17. I am at peace with myself.
18. I feel trapped or pinned down.
19. I feel loved.
20. I am needed by others.
21. I feel hopeless about some parts of my life.
22. I feel positive about the future.
Continue to identify the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Disagree nor Agree
Strongly Agree
23. I feel positive about most aspects of my life.
24. I am able to imagine a positive outcome to most challenges.
25. I feel uninvolved with life.
26. I have someone with whom I can share my concerns.
27. I feel preoccupied with troubles that prevent my planning for the future.
28. I make plans for my own future.
29. It seems as though all my support has been withdrawn.
30. I am apathetic towards life.
31. I look forward to an enjoyable future.
For each statement below, please identify the degree to which it applies to you.
Never applies to me
Sometimes applies to me
Often applies to me
Always applies to me
32. I am looking forward to the future.
33. I have inner positive energy.
34. I have deep inner strength.
35. I have plans for my future.
36. I keep going even when I hurt.
37. My faith gives me comfort.
38. I feel scared about my future.
39. I believe that good is always possible.
40. I feel at  a loss with nowhere to turn.
41. I believe that time heals.
Continue to identify the degree to which each of the following statements applies to you.
Never applies to me
Sometimes applies to me
Often applies to me
Always applies to me
42. I feel overwhelmed and trapped.
43. I have support from those close to me.
44. I have hope even when plans go astray.
45. I just know there is hope for me.
46. I can seek and receive help.
47. I have set goals for the next 3-6 months.
48. I am immobilized by fears and doubts.
49. I know that my life has meaning and purpose.
50. I have coped well in the past.
51. I see the positive in most situations.
Please continue to identify the degree to which each of the following statements applies to you.
Never applies to me
Sometimes applies to me
Often applies to me
Always applies to me
52. I feel all alone.
53. I can see the light at the end of a tunnel.
54. I am committed to finding my way.
55. I feel loved and needed.
56. I have plans for today and for next week.
57. I believe my outlook affects my life.
58. I can recall happy times.
59. I believe that each day has potential.
60. I can't bring about positive change.
61. I can sense the presence of loved ones.
For which areas of life do you feel the greatest amount of hope? (check 0 to 3 boxes)
For which areas of life do you feel the greatest amount of hopelessness? (check 0 to 3 boxes)
What brings you greater hope ("the expectation that one will have positive experiences or that potentially negative situations will ultimately result in a favorable state of affairs")?  How do you encourage others to experience greater hope?
Please provide any other comments you have about spiritual leadership and hope.