Please help us understand if there are any perceived problems with interference among the services operating in mid-band spectrum. The services currently include the 3.45 GHz Service (3450-3550 MHz), CBRS (3550-3700 MHz) and 3.7 GHz Service (3700-3980 MHz).
  • Note that WInnForum cannot currently help resolve interference problems. Instead, we are attempting to determine if inter- or intra-service interference is occurring before deciding if further steps need to be taken.
  • We are interested in hearing from you even if you are not affected by any apparent interference.
  • If you desire, please provide an email address for possible follow-up. Otherwise, your response will be anonymous. Please see the WInnForum's privacy policy to learn more on how we will handle any personal data.  
  • Please submit a new response if your interference situation changes in the future.
  • Submitted responses will be available to WInnForum members for analysis. Anonymized aggregate data may be made public. 
  • Please keep in mind that disruption due to incumbent military activity is not considered interference in the CBRS or 3.45 GHz Service bands.

Items with an asterisk (*) are required.

Question Title

* 1. Which mid-band service are you operating?
If you operate more than one of the services, please submit a separate response for each.

Question Title

* 2. What market do you serve (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 3. Are you encountering interference that you believe is coming from either the same or another mid-band service? If yes, four more brief questions will be asked. If no, pressing "Next" will complete the survey for you.