Marble Falls Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Survey Questions: Question Title * 1. Please tell us where you live Within the City limits of Marble Falls Outside City limits of Marble Falls but within the ETJ Outside of the ETJ and City limits of Marble Falls Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. Please select the hazard you think is the highest threat to you, your business and/or your community. (Please check only one) Floods Wildfire Tornado Drought Dam failure Expansive soils Extreme heat Hailstorm Hurricane Thunderstorms Land subsidence Severe winter storms Lightning Windstorm Earthquake Cyber Attack Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. Please select the hazard you think is the second highest threat to you, your business and/or your community. (Please check only one) Floods Wildfire Tornado Drought Dam failure Expansive soil Extreme heat Hailstorm Hurricane Thunderstorms Land subsidence Severe winter storms Windstorms Lightning Earthquake Cyber Attack Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. While living here in Marble Falls, have you experienced a disaster? (please check all that apply) Floods Wildfire Tornado Drought Dam failure Expansive soils Extreme heat Hailstorm Hurricane Thunderstorms Land subsidence Severe winter storms Windstorms Lightning Earthquake Cyber Attack None Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Which of the following are likely to occur in your area at least once in your lifetime? (please check all that apply) Floods Wildfire Tornado Drought Dam failure Expansive soils Extreme heat Hailstorm Hurricane Thunderstorms Land subsidence Severe winter storms Windstorms Lightning Earthquake Cyber Attack None Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. My household has a plan in the event of a disaster such as a flood, tornado, etc. Yes, we have practiced the plan Yes, we but we have not practiced the plan No, but we kind of know what to do No, we have no idea what to do OK Question Title * 7. Is your home located in a floodplain? Yes No I Don't Know OK Question Title * 8. Do you have flood insurance? Yes No I Don't Know OK Question Title * 9. If you do not have flood insurance, why not? Never really considered it Not necessary because I'm elevated or otherwise protected Too expensive Not located in floodplain OK Question Title * 10. How concerned are you about the possibility of you or your community being impacted by a disaster? Extremely concerned Somewhat concerned Not concerned OK Question Title * 11. Have you taken any actions to make your home, business and/or community more resistant to hazards? Yes No OK Question Title * 12. If "Yes", please described the action you have taken: OK Question Title * 13. Are you interested in making your home, business and/or community more resistant to hazards? Yes No OK Question Title * 14. What is the most effective way for you to receive information about how to make your home, business and/or community more resistant to hazards? Newspaper Television Radio Internet Mail Public workshops/meetings Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 15. Which of the following would be the best way to alert you and your household to an imminent disaster? TV Report Internet / (county or city website) text or e-mail Facebook / Twitter / Or other social media All of the Above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 16. Which of the following mitigation activities do you believe your local government should employ to reduce or eliminate the risk of future hazard damages in your neighborhood and/or community. (Please check all that apply) Retrofit and strengthen essential facilities such as police, fire, emergency medical services, hospitals, schools, etc. Replace inadequate or vulnerable bridges and roads. Retrofit infrastructure, such as elevating roadways and improving drainage systems. Work on improving the damage resistance of utilities (electricity, communications, water / wastewater facilities, etc.). Install or improve protective structures, such as floodwalls and levees or individual/community saferooms. Buyout flood prone properties and maintain as open-space. Strengthen codes, ordinances, and plans to require higher hazard risk management standards. Provide better information about hazard risk and high-hazard areas. Inform property owners of ways they can mitigate damage to their properties. Assist vulnerable property owners with securing funding to mitigate impacts to their property(s). None Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 17. Are there any other issues regarding the reduction of risk and loss associated with hazards or disasters in the community that you think are important? OK Question Title * 18. Prevention of Hazards is any administrative or regulatory action that influences the way land is developed and buildings are built. Some examples include planning and zoning, building codes, open space prevention, and flood plain regulation. Please rank how important you believe it is for your community to pursue the prevention of hazards . Very Important Somewhat important Not important OK Question Title * 19. Reducing community risks from hazards can also include property protection. This involves actions that involve the modification of existing buildings to protect them from a hazard or removal from the hazard area. Examples include acquisition, relocation, elevations, structural retrofits and storm shutters. How important is it to you that your community should pursue property protection? Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important OK Question Title * 20. Reducing community risks from hazards can also include natural resource protection. This kind of protection is in addition to minimizing hazard losses, preserve or restoring the functions of natural systems. Some examples include flood plain protection, habitat preservation, slope stabilization, riparian buffers and forest management. Do you believe this is important for your community to pursue? Please rank below. Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important OK Question Title * 21. Structural Projects can also help to reduce hazards.These actions are intended to lessen the impact of a hazard by modifying the natural progression of the hazard. Examples include dams, levees, seawalls, detention/retention basins, channel modifications, retaining walls and storm sewers. Do you believe this is important for your community to pursue? Please rank below. Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important OK Question Title * 22. Emergency Services are actions that protect people and property during and immediately after a hazard event . Some examples include warning systems, evacuation planning, emergency planning, emergency response training and protection of critical emergency facilities/system. Do you believe this is important for your community to pursue? Please rank below. Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important OK Question Title * 23. Public Education and Awareness are actions to inform citizens about hazards and the techniques they can use to protect themselves and their property. Examples include outreach projects, school education programs, library materials and demonstration events. Do you believe this is important for your community to pursue? Please rank below. Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important OK Question Title * 24. If you would like to be notified of upcoming public meetings for the Marble Falls Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, please leave your name and email below. Thank you for your time!Name: OK Question Title * 25. e-mail: OK DONE