1. Evaluation

Thank you for attending the Methane to Markets Partnership Expo at the Taj Palace Hotel in Delhi India 2-5 March 2010. We hope you found the event to be an exciting and informative one. Please take a moment to fill out this short 5 minute evaluation of the Expo. Your feedback will help determine if the Partnership will support another Expo in 2011 and beyond. Thank you for your assistance and for attending the Expo!

Question Title

* 1. How did you hear about the Expo?

Question Title

* 2. Name and Organization (Optional):

Question Title

* 3. What type of organization do you represent? (check all that apply)

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* 4. Please check all of the sections of the Expo event that you attended and rate them based on how useful they were to you. You should not rate those events that you did not attend.

  Not Useful Somewhat Useful Useful Very Useful Extremely Useful Not Sure/Did Not Attend
Project Development Opportunity Posters
Exhibit Booths
Opening Plenary Session
Policy Roundtable (Wednesday)
Financing Roundtable (Thursday)
End Use Roundtable (Friday)
Agriculture Conference Track
Coal Conference Track
Landfill Conference Track
Oil and Gas Conference Track
Closing Plenary
Agriculture Subcommittee Meeting
Coal Subcommittee Meeting
Landfill Subcommittee Meeting
Oil and Gas Subcommittee Meeting
Landfill Off-Site Tour
Agriculture Off-Site Tour

Question Title

* 5. How valuable was the Expo for making new business contacts?

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* 6. How useful were the 150 project opportunities that were showcased at the Exhibit Hall?

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* 7. Did your organization showcase a project opportunity at the Expo?

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* 8. If yes, have there been any developments towards implementing the projects as a result of showcasing it at the Expo?

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* 9. What part or aspect of the Expo did you find most valuable? Why?

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* 10. What part or aspect of the Expo did you find least valuable? Why?

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* 11. Would you attend another M2M Expo in the future? (The Partnership will determine whether to hold another Expo in 2012 or 2013)

Question Title

* 12. If there is a 2012 or 2013 Expo, what region of the world would be a good location?

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* 13. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions to consider in planning another Methane to Markets Expo.