Mentoring Interest Survey The FWSF Mentoring Program Committee would like to understand your interest in mentoring. Please take five minutes to complete the questions below. Thanks! OK Question Title * 1. What is your level of interest in mentoring? Very interested Slightly interested Slightly disinterested Not interested at all OK Question Title * 2. What are your primary mentoring objectives? Skill development/enhancement Professional networking/sharing knowledge and resources Promotion/job change Career transition/job search Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. What is your experience with mentoring? (check all that apply) Served as a mentor to someone Served as a mentee Participated in peer mentoring Participated in virtual mentoring No experience with mentoring OK Question Title * 4. If FWSF sponsored a mentoring program, what benefits would you like to receive from participation in such a program? (check all that apply)( Setting professional goals and objectives Sounding board to share issues and challenges Networking with other professionals/sharing knowledge and resources Developing/enhancing finance skills Developing/enhancing leadership skills Obtaining guidance for studying and passing the CPA/CFP/CFA exam Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. On average, how much time do you/would you expect to dedicate each month to mentoring activities? One to three hours Three to five hours Five to eight hours Eight hours or more OK Question Title * 6. What is the best time of day to participate in mentoring activities? (check all that apply) Morning/Before work Lunchtime Evening/After work Weekend OK Question Title * 7. What is your preferred method of receiving information related to your mentoring objectives? (check all that apply) Face-to-face meeting/workshop Webinar/virtual meeting/online chat functionality Conference calls/one-on-one telephone conversations Reading books and journal articles Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. What type of mentoring activities could FWSF offer that would be of benefit to you? OK Question Title * 9. If you are interesting in mentoring, please supply your contact information. Name: Email: Phone: OK DONE