Back to Care Mentor Program: Mentee Application |
How the Program Works
- An individual will apply to become a mentee or mentor by filling out the survey and Authorization to Use and Release Protected Health Information for the HCU Back to Care program.
- Once the survey and forms are completed, HCU Network America personnel will contact the applicant.
- Prior to starting, the applicant (both mentee and mentor) must be affiliated with a clinic for care. If they are not, HCU Net America will help facilitate referral to a clinic. Check ins should be short and based around what the mentees needs and mentors' experiences.
- The following timelines are recommended but can be flexible based upon the individual mentee/mentor relationship.
- Initial meetings between mentor and mentee are weekly.
- After 3-6 weeks meetings will go to monthly.
- After 3 months, the patient can choose to continue monthly, or go to a quarterly basis.
- At 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months someone from HCU Network America will check in to see how your experience with your mentee/mentor is going and if there are things you need assistance with. If there are topics you need assistance with you can always reach out in the meantime.