PSA Mental Health Training Conference 2018 Feedback Survey This is an anonymous survey. OK Question Title * 1. Which PSA region are you from? Sydney Metro South East (Wollongong) South West (Wagga Wagga) Northern (Lismore) Newcastle, Hunter, Central Coast (Newcastle) Central West (Bathurst) North West (Tamworth) OK Question Title * 2. The 2018 PSA Mental Health Training Conference was worthwhile in attending? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree (please comment below) OK Question Title * 3. Is this your first time attending a PSA Conference? Yes No OK Question Title * 4. How did you hear about the PSA Mental Health Training Conference? PSA News (email) A PSA Delegate or Central Councillor A colleague A PSA Staff Member The PSA website PSA Red Tape Social Media - Facebook Social Media - Twitter Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. What was the main reason you wanted to come to PSA Mental Health Training Conference? I am interested in getting more involved in my union To expand my knowledge of workplace mental health issues Networking opportunities Other (please specify) OK NEXT