Heya, welcome to the IGLYO Membership Application Form! 💜

We're truly excited to receive your application and welcome you into the network. But before filling out the form below, please make sure to carefully read through all the information on our Become a Member page to ensure you comply with the eligibility criteria in our Statutes and that you are aware of everything related to the IGLYO Membership.

Once you're ready, please fill out the form below with all relevant information about your organisation. You will not be able to submit or save your application without completing all the questions, so please make sure you have all the information required before you begin. When you submit the form, our Board will consider your application and we will get back to you with the outcome!

For any questions, please contact our Communications & Network team Toryn (toryn@iglyo.org) and Jeremy (jeremy@iglyo.org).

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* 1. Name of the organisation applying for the IGLYO Membership

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* 2. Confirm your organisation's eligibility

In order to become an IGLYO Member, your organisation has to match criteria required by our IGLYO Statutes. Please check each of the boxes below to confirm your organisation is eligible to apply for the IGLYO Membership.

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* 3. If your organisation is not officially registered, please provide the name of the registered organisation in your country which endorses your application, as well as the contact details of the person you were in contact with within the organisation. Our Board may contact them for more information.

About your primary contact person

Each Member Organisation needs to have one primary contact person. The primary contact person is the person responsible for handling your IGLYO membership in your organisation. They will be tagged in our database as your main contact, and will therefore receive our direct communications related to your membership and payments.

It is essential that we are informed as soon as possible when your primary contact leaves your organisation or needs to be changed in our database, otherwise you might miss out on important information about your membership.

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* 4. First name

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* 5. Last name

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* 6. Pronouns (Optional)

E.g. They/them, She/her, She/they, etc.

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* 7. Country

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* 8. Email address

If possible, this email address needs to be different from the organisation's generic email address. It should rather be an email address that the primary contact person has direct access to.

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* 9. Repeat email address

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* 10. Job title/position in the organisation

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* 11. Birthdate

We are asking about the birthdate because all contacts in our database must be 18 or above.


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* 12. Phone number + country code (e.g. +32...) (optional)

This field is optional, however, we encourage you to add a phone number that we can reach in case of urgent questions if we cannot reach your contact person via email.

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* 13. Are there other people from your organisation you would like us to include in copy of the email when getting back to you about your membership application?

Your organisation's legal details

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* 14. Organisation legal name

This is the official name of your organisation, as registered in your country (e.g. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Youth and Student Organisation). It will appear on your invoices and official documents.

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* 15. Organisation common name

This is the more informal acronym or shorter name commonly used for your organisation (e.g. IGLYO). We will use it when communicating with or about you.

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* 16. Organisation registration number or code (as in your national registry of institutions)

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* 17. Official organisation email address

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* 18. Repeat the official organisation email address

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* 19. Official organisation phone number + country code (e.g. +32...)

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* 20. Organisation address

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* 21. Organisation website and social media channels

Please provide the link to your website — and your social media channels as you see fit. Please note that at least one of the fields below needs to be filled with a valid URL link that our Board can check when reviewing your application for the question to be validated.

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* 22. Year the organisation was founded

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* 23. Logo of your organisation

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 24. How many people are active in your organisation (Board Members, employees, volunteers, consultants, etc.)?

Your membership category

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* 25. Membership level

Please choose the Membership level you are applying for according to your total annual income of the previous fiscal year. By total annual income, we mean the gross annual income for your organisation of the last full calendar year (public and private funding, grants, donations, sponsorships, registration and membership fees, etc.).

As our Membership runs from March to the end of February, your first year Membership fee will be prorated according to when you join. Please note that all membership levels have the same benefits, this fee structure is only built in a spirit of fairness!

The fee structure was reviewed and approved by the membership at the General Assembly 2014 to reduce fees for organisations with lower incomes and increase fees for organisations on higher incomes.

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* 26. If you chose a level that doesn’t correspond to your total annual income, please explain why.

The Board will take this information into account when reviewing your application.

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* 27. Does your organisation agree to pay your membership fees in due time, or to inform the IGLYO team in due time if you are facing financial difficulties?

Your motivation

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* 28. Explain in short the Vision, Aims & Objectives of your organisation (max 200 words)

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* 29. Briefly describe the main activities of your organisation, especially highlighting work focusing on LGBTQI youth and students (max 200 words).

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* 30. Briefly describe the structure and leadership of your organisation, especially highlighting young people's participation (max 200 words)

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* 31. Let us know why your organisation would like to become a member of IGLYO and what are your expectations about becoming a Member (max 300 words).


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* 32. By becoming an IGLYO Member, your organisation agrees to fulfil the minimum Members duties required by IGLYO 

These duties include paying your membership fees in due time, updating IGLYO on changes in your legal information and contacts, and casting your vote in person or through proxy vote at the AMC and online statutory meetings.

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* 33. By applying as an IGLYO Member, you certify that your organisation agrees with the values listed in the IGLYO Manifesto voted on by Members at the General Assembly in 2024.

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* 34. Is there anything in the IGLYO Manifesto you disagree with?

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* 35. By submitting this application, our organisation accepts and agrees with

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* 36. By submitting this form, you have read and agree to IGLYO's Privacy Policy