UNR Med - A Collective Moment
Please share your experience with A Collective Moment (select all that apply).
Felt a sense of community or shared experience during pandemic isolation through the illustrative exhibit
Evoked a sense of pride/ appreciation for the UNR Med/ University Health community contributions throughout the pandemic
Visited the Collective Moment Gallery and/ or Main Exhibit
Shared a submission for A Collective Moment
Other (please specify)
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the Collective Moment campaign
Did Not Meet Expectations
Improvement Needed
Met Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
Greatly Exceeded Expectations
Did Not Meet Expectations
Improvement Needed
Met Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
Greatly Exceeded Expectations
Please list any other additional comments or suggestions about the Collective Moment campaign.
What future engagement opportunities would you enjoy with UNR Med?
Current Progress,
0 of 4 answered