Multiple District 36 Survey - 2024 Question Title * 1. What Lions District does your Lions Club reside in? O R E G Question Title * 2. First off, please tell us what is your favorite aspect of being a Lion? Question Title * 3. Does your local Lions Club discuss and/or offer leadership opportunities to you and other members of your Lions Club? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 4. Do you feel your local Lions Clubs are generally open to new ideas and new ways of doing things? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 5. Do you feel MD-36 (our Oregon and N. California Lions Clubs) is generally open to new ideas and new ways of doing things? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 6. Are you asked each year if you are interested in attending Lions District or State Conventions? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 7. Have you ever attended a meeting of another Lions Club, other than your own, in Oregon or northern California? Yes No If not, why haven't you? Question Title * 8. Do you know who serves on the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation Board of Trustees from your District? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 9. How often does your Lions Club discuss sight and hearing at your Club meetings: Every Meeting Every once in a while We do not discuss sight and hearing at meetings Question Title * 10. What do you like most about being a Lion? Question Title * 11. What do you like least about being a Lion? Question Title * 12. Are you comfortable inviting friends/family to your Lions Club meetings? Yes No Why or why not? Question Title * 13. Are you aware of Lions district and multiple district training events that are available? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 14. Do you prefer in person or virtual events (ex. Zoom) when attending Lions Clubs trainings and events? In Person Virtual (ex. Zoom) Both options Please explain: Question Title * 15. What is the greatest strength that Lions in MD-36 have? Question Title * 16. What is our greatest challenge? Question Title * 17. Are there opportunities that MD-36 Lions are missing out on? Question Title * 18. What do you perceive as the biggest "threat" to Lions in MD-36? Question Title * 19. What would you like to have more of in Lions MD-36? Question Title * 20. What would you like to have less of? Question Title * 21. Have you heard about Mission 1.5 Membership growth? Yes No Question Title * 22. Do you discuss Mission 1.5 in your club meeting? Yes No Question Title * 23. As a MD-36 Lions Club member, would you be interested potential leadership opportunities in your Lions Zone, Region or District? Yes, please No, thank you I'd like to learn more Comments (if yes, please include your name and contact information): Question Title * 24. Please share any other information that you feel is relevant to our Lions MD-36 becoming a more effective Service organization. Question Title * 25. OPTIONAL: Please provide your name and preferred contact information if you if you'd like someone from the leadership team to reach out to you. Name: Phone: Email: Click this Button to Submit, THANK YOU!