Monroe County Tax Collector's Office Customer Service Satisfaction Survey Question Title * 1. How did you contact the Monroe County Tax Collector's Office? In person Key West Main Office In person Key West Driver License Office In person Big Pine Key Satellite Office In person Marathon Branch Office In person Plantation Key Branch Office In person Key Largo Branch Office Website Phone Mail Question Title * 2. On what date did you conduct business with our office? Date / Time Date Time AM/PM - AM PM Question Title * 3. What was the name of the Agent who assisted you? (Type "N/A" if transaction did not involve and Agent) Question Title * 4. What type of transaction(s) did you process? Vehicle / Vessel Registration Renewal Vehicle / Vessel Title Application Driver License / Identification Card Tax Payment Hunting/Fishing License Local Business Tax Receipt Birth Certificate Concealed Weapon Permit Dealer Work Handicap Parking Placard Passport Information / Inquiry Question Title * 5. Please rate your overall impression of the Agent who assisted you. Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Poor Question Title * 6. Please rate your overall impression of this office and/or your transaction: Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Poor Question Title * 7. Do you have any comments about the service you received and/or suggestions on how we might better serve your needs? Question Title * 8. Your contact information is not required, but it will assist us so we can better understand the demographics of those we serve: Name: City State Email Address Phone Number Done