Dear Parents,

Please remember that there will be no school next Friday, May 19 for Staff Development Day.

Extended Day will be available from 8am to 6pm and we are asking every parent to respond to this survey and let us know whether or not your child will be here. We will be open if we have an enrollment of 5 or more.

The cost is $40 for the day if you drop in; there is no charge if you have an Extended Day Contract.

Please respond below and hit the "Done" button... no papers, no printing!

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Child/children's first name(s)

Question Title

* 2. Child/children's last name

Question Title

* 3. On Friday, May 19 my child/children:

Question Title

* 4. Comments/special circumstances:

Question Title

* 5. I have an Extended Day contract

To enroll your child/children as a drop-in, there will be a $40 drop in fee added to your TADS tuition account.

Thank you!