Thanks for participating to our cross-continental Mapathon for the Senegal River Valley!

We are very happy to list you as one of the contributor to our project on the website Your e-mail is requested only to possibly follow-up in case of any trouble with your picture or data and it will neither be posted/communicated to anyone nor used for other purposes by the team members.

Thanks again for your help and keep in touch

The MASTR-SLS team!

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Surname

Question Title

* 3. OSM username

Question Title

* 5. e-mail address

Question Title

* 6. Affiliation (if any) and/or qualification

Question Title

* 7. Here is my profile picture for being listed in the team page of the website as a contributor

JPEG, JPG, PNG file types only.
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