Question Title

* 1. Which of the following three categories most interests you?

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Pedestrian Improvements - Please select your top three choices for pedestrian improvements below.

Pedestrian Improvements - Please select your top three choices for pedestrian improvements below.

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* 2. Please select the top three projects for pedestrian improvements:

Question Title

Bicycle Improvements - Please select your top three choices for bicycle improvements below.

Bicycle Improvements - Please select your top three choices for bicycle improvements below.

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* 3. Please select the top three projects for bicycle improvements:

Question Title

Trail Improvements - Please select your top three choices for trail improvements below.

Trail Improvements - Please select your top three choices for trail improvements below.

Question Title

* 4. Please select the top three projects for trail improvements:

Question Title

* 5. What are the most important factors to you when considering pedestrian and bicycle transportation improvements:

Question Title

* 6. Please use this space to share any additional thoughts on pedestrian and bicycle modes of transportation: