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Welcome to the Marie Pampoen Recreation Area page.

On this page, you can apply for the use of the Marie Pampoen recreation area.

The Curacao Tourist Board (CTB) wants to continue providing our community use of this area, responsibly and complying with current rules of the Government of Curacao.

Please note that areas available for reservation are areas A, B, C, D, and E. It is recommended that you check the personal areas before booking the chosen area.

All requests will be answered within 2 working days. Please check your email spam folder as well.

Please note the following points of importance for the use of the Marie Pampoen recreation area:
  1. If you have an activity lasting more than 2 hours with 15 to 75 people, you are required to rent 2 porta potty toilets. This can be arranged through the Tourist Office, subject to availability, or you can rent them from a private company. If you have an activity with more than 75 people, you are required to rent an additional porta-potty toilet from a private company. The invoice for the portable porta-potty toilet must be presented before obtaining the permit from CTB. The portable porta-potty toilet should be placed on solid ground, not on the sand. Each portable porta-potty toilet must be equipped with hand sanitizer and toilet paper for visitor use.
  2. It is recommended to bring lotion or cream for protection against mosquitoes and ticks.
  3. Ensure that during the activity, visitors have access to soap and water for washing hands, paper towels for drying hands, and hand sanitizer to maintain personal hygiene.
  4. If music is used, it is not allowed to play music late at night. For this reason, we request that you stop playing music before 11 PM.
  5. Please note that the noise level must not exceed 40 decibels.
  6. Materials that dirty or clutter the sand, such as streamers, confetti, colored powder, etc., are not allowed.
  7. Hanging heavy items on the palapas is prohibited.
  8. The parking lot can be used between 6 am and 11 pm.
  9. Please note that there is no electricity or lighting under the palapas.
  10. Grilling is not allowed under the palapas, on the sand, or on the concrete structures on the beach under any circumstances.
  11. All food scraps, garbage, etc. must be cleaned or disposed of by the responsible party at the end of the activity.
  12. Before or after grilling, it is not allowed to dispose of charcoal in the sand.
  13. Please ensure that before leaving the site, you leave the beach as clean as you found it. You must take back everything you bring.
  14. The client is responsible for arranging all necessary permits in connection with their activity.
  15. CTB is not responsible for any personal, financial, or other injuries of any kind that may occur before, during, or after the activity.
  16. The client is responsible for any damage caused to infrastructure, vegetation, or contamination of the beach area before, during, and after the activity.
  17. All related expenses mentioned in point #15 shall be borne by the person responsible for requesting the permit.
  18. Inappropriate acts are not allowed in this area. If this happens, the Police will be involved.
  19. Holding parties in this area after 11 pm is prohibited.
  20. Once your permitted time has ended, please leave the site.
  21. Non-compliance with any of the above-mentioned points, as determined by the person in charge of maintaining the beach, may result in the activity being halted and permission for future activities being denied. The 'Administrator' has the authority to stop the activity if it is found to be non-compliant with the stipulated agreements.
Once you have submitted your request, you can contact the following number or email to verify its status.
Phone: 4618200 ext 242 or via email eclements@curacao.com