Håfa Adai and Tirow!

The Northern Marianas Humanities Council is conducting a survey with CNMI residents currently living in the CNMI to learn more about community values and their relationship to culture and conflict. Funding for the Inafa’maolik -Tipiyééw Matters project has been provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the United We Stand: Connecting Through Culture initiative.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions. We estimate that it will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete this survey. We take your privacy seriously. Your responses to the survey will be anonymous. Your name will not be collected or appear anywhere on the survey.

You may choose to stop responding at any point, however, if you complete and submit the survey, you will be directed to a link allowing you to enter your name and email to enter the Marianas Values Survey Giveaway for a chance to win 1 of 18 prized packages (valued at $50 or more) and a grand prize of $500 cash. No purchase is necessary to participate in the drawing. Please be assured that the link to the drawing is not connected to your completed survey.

If you have any questions about this survey, you can contact the principal investigator/project scholar, Theresa Arriola (phone: 670-783-4256, or email: theresaarriola@gmail.com).

Si Yu’us Ma’åse’, Olomwaay, and thank you again for your participation.

Leo Pangelinan
Executive Director
Northern Marianas Humanities Council

Question Title

* 1. By agreeing to participate, you are giving your consent to use the information you provide in academic research.

20% of survey complete.