Course Application: Management Toolkit

Thursday 5 December 2024 | Glasgow | 1000 - 1700
Management Toolkit is designed for those running teams and outlines key managerial responsibilities and best practice approaches. Additionally, it is created to support those working in high performance environments to manage stress levels and create a healthy environment where everyone can do their best work.

Participants will learn:

> Duty of Care - what this means in practice and how to demonstrate this towards team members

> Psychological safety in teams including practical managerial tools and strategies

> Detailed overview of stress responses and effective stress management

> Reasonable adjustments to demonstrate, support and boost team inclusion, and how they can work in practice

> Giving feedback and how it can be used to create strong, dynamic and engaged teams

> Build awareness of filters and biases that managers and leaders may unknowingly use when giving feedback

> Basic coaching techniques to equip you with the tools to have honest conversations with your team members about performance and/or behaviour.

Participants should leave this session with an understanding of some key tools that can be applied into their management practice immediately and be provided a range of feedback formulas & models that will equip managers to structure feedback conversations easily and effectively.

Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at those who manage or supervise teams working in film and television production.

This course is delivered by Michelle White, an experienced and qualified Positive Psychologist and member of British Psychological Society (BPS) and founder of 6ft from the Spotlight, the industry body leading on mental health and wellbeing within the film and television industry.
This session is specifically for established film and television practitioners based in Scotland. Please only apply if you meet this criteria. BECTU opportunities for those in other areas of the UK can be found here:
England, Wales.
  • Applicants should be based and working freelance in film and television in Scotland.
  • We're targeting practitioners working in scripted production for this course.
  • Students are not eligible for this training.

  • As this is a workshop style course, there are a limited number of spaces available to allow participants the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
  • Priority for spaces will be given to eligible BECTU members.
  • If more BECTU members apply than spaces available, places will be given to those who demonstrate the greatest professional need for this training.
    • Places are provided free of charge but are worth a considerable amount. Please only apply if you can commit to attending the session.
    The deadline to apply is

    This course is being delivered with support from Scottish Union Learning and is
    funded by The Scottish Government.

    If you have any queries please email
