Question Title

* Company name (English) 회사명 (영문)

Question Title

* Company name (Korean) 회사명 (한글)

Contact person

Question Title

* English Name (영문 성명)

Question Title

* Korean name (한글 성명)

Question Title

* Department (부서)

Question Title

* Title (직책)

Question Title

* Business company email (업무 이메일)

Question Title

* Website (웹 사이트)

Question Title

* Mobile phone  (휴대폰)

번호를 기입하여 주시면, 행사 정보를 행사 전 주에 문자로 안내드립니다. 

(If you provide your number, we will send you event information via text message the week before the event.)

Question Title

* memoQ customer (memoQ 고객 이신가요?)

Question Title

* Wish to schedule a customized demo (맞춤형 데모를 희망히시는 지요?)

Thank you!