The Lonnie D. Burton Achievement Award is presented annually to an individual who, through the assistance of a Community Action Program, has achieved a significant level of self-sufficiency and independence, while recognition is given to the local Community Action Agency’s role in helping nominees to help themselves. This award focuses on the personal progress and achievements of the individuals nominated. CAA employees are not eligible for this award unless they are former recipients of CAA services.
Basis of Award
1.     Circumstances that caused the nominee to seek assistance through the Community Action program(s).
2.     Commitment to achieving personal goals (employment, training, homeownership, education, etc.).
3.     Additional responsibilities while working towards these goals (i.e., caring for family members, etc.).
4.     Contributions to the community (advocacy for the poor, public official, volunteer efforts).

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Agency Name

Nominee information is limited to 250 words submitted in the #5 question below and must include the following:


□ Agency’s name, address, and contact person
□ Period of activity
□ Nominee’s name (former recipient of CAA assistance)
□ Family size (number and ages of children, if applicable)
□ Educational level achieved by the nominee
□ Circumstances that caused the nominee to seek CAA help (include dates assistance was provided)
□ What the CAA did for the nominee (i.e., services, case management, etc.)
□ Nominee’s Commitment to achieving personal goals
□ Additional Responsibilities while working on these goals
□ Contributions to the community
Entry must be submitted electronically by Friday, March 7, 2025

CAAs are reminded to obtain permission from the nominees to share their personal stories. Nominees must have received assistance from the Community Action Agency within the past five (5) years.

Question Title

* 3. Why I am nominating this person

Question Title

* 4. Nominator Information & Agency Address

Question Title

* 5. Nominator Title