1. The Basics...

The following questions represent an intense exploration of your brand. Your brand is not just the marks that I will create, but it also encompasses your product, your reputation and your expectations - even your employees if you have them.

Information gathered in this form will better ensure I am able to produce a design that translates all of those things. The more thoughtful your answers, the less revisions we will ultimately have to make which will yield a quicker turnaround time for your final design.  

This assessment is based off of thoughtfully researched brand psychology. Complete it when you're relaxed and have 15 minutes or so to commit.

Question Title

* 1.
How do you envision the main face of your logo?
logo options

Question Title

* 2. Tell me about your business. I don't want to know the name quite yet. Just tell me what makes your business a stand-out from the rest.
For example: "We're a competitively-priced daycare provider that provides children with Christian-based enrichment and fun."

Question Title

* 3. What platforms will you be primarily using to promote your brand and reach your audience? Even though you may want to use them all, pick your top three.

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* 4. Remember that good logos should simply identify your brand NOT be fully descriptive illustrations. With that in mind, if you have specific images that you would like for me to include, please email them to contact@keshaphillips.com and indicate below that there will be images sent.

Also specify below if there are specific websites that appeal to you that you may want your logo to be modeled after. If you have specific ideas of how you want your logo to look or you have an existing logo that you would like enhanced, please don't be shy, and email them to me. This will better insure that I can produce a logo that you will be happy with.

Question Title

* 5. Please provide your contact details.

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33% of survey complete.