
The Dalhousie 50+ Living Well Expo will take place June 7, 2025. The Community Association hosted a Seniors Resource Fair with 20 exhibitors, 3 guest speakers, noon-hour entertainment and refreshments in November 2023.

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* 1. Did you attend the Dalhousie Seniors Resource Fair in November 2023?

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* 2. Would you attend the Dalhousie 50+ Living Well Expo in 2025?

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* 3. Thinking about guest speakers at the Living Well Expo, which of the following would you be interested in? Select as many as you find interesting.

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* 4. Like 2023, we plan to have at least 20 exhibitors with information, programs, and services of interest to Calgarians who are 50+. Which of the following would interest you? Select as many as you are interested in.

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* 5. Would you be interested in buying a light lunch at the expo?

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* 6. In 2023, there was musical entertainment at lunch time. Should we do that again?