In this last week of the term of our councils, if you are not standing for election again, we encourage you to stay connected to LGNSW so that we can continue to update you on key developments for councils, but also alert you to opportunities to continue to contribute to our sector. We also understand that some mayors and/or councillors are standing again but may not be successful at Saturday’s election too.

As experienced former mayors and councillors you still have so much to offer. LGNSW is regularly seeking former mayors and councillors to:
  • Act as a mentor or coach
  • Panel member / speaker for information sessions and events
  • Act as a facilitator for training
If you would like to be kept informed about future opportunities, please fill out your details below.

Question Title

* 1. Your Details

Question Title

* 2. What opportunities would you be interested in?

Question Title

* 3. Please include any additional comments