LGBTQ+ and Aging

SeniorCare Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides information and services to older adults and adults with disabilities on Massachusetts’ North Shore. SeniorCare is looking to gather information on how we can better serve the LGBTQ+ older adult community. We want to hear from you!
1.What city/town do you live in?
2.What is your age?
3.Are you a caregiver for somone age 60 or older?
4.Please select the options below that apply to you.
5.Would you or someone you know be interested in LGBTQ+ centered programming and activities for older adults?
6.What type of LGBTQ+ centered programming or activities would you be interested in?
7.How can SeniorCare better serve LGBTQ+ older adults?
8.Would you be willing to participate in a listening session focused on LGBTQ+ older adults?
9.Do you want to be added to our mailing list to learn more about services and activities available to older adults?
10.If you answered yes to either of the previous questions, please provide your email address.