The Farm to Plate Network is working to develop, launch, and administer a statewide local food campaign to increase purchases, participation, and awareness in Vermont’s local food economy. Campaign messaging will be targeted to outdoor enthusiasts, young working professionals, and value-driven shoppers in different Vermont regions to increase consumer demand for local food at restaurants, institutions, direct sale markets (e.g. CSA, farm stand, farmers markets), and retail stores.

NOFA-VT is a partner in the Farm to Plate Network and has developed the following survey to get feedback on how the local food campaign could best provide marketing tools, tactics, and resources to those who participate in or support direct sales markets. Your responses from this survey will help inform the marketing strategy development of the campaign and it’s eventual statewide launch. Thanks!

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* 1. Contact Info:

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* 2. Are you a (please check all that apply):

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Below are the draft visual identities that have been developed for the Farm to Plate Local Food Marketing Campaign:

Below are the draft visual identities that have been developed for the Farm to Plate Local Food Marketing Campaign:

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* 3. What is your general reaction to these visuals?

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* 4. Which concept do you prefer?

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* 5. Do you primarily do your marketing via:

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* 6. If you use online marketing, what platforms do you use (please select all that apply)?

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To give you an idea of how these visuals might be used, below are three examples of how the visuals could be used for direct marketing:

To give you an idea of how these visuals might be used, below are three examples of how the visuals could be used for direct marketing:

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* 7. Please select any of the following ways that you would be interested in using these materials in your own farm’s promotions (you may check more than one).

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* 8. Of the choices below, please rank them in the order that you’re most likely to use in your own promotions (with 1 being highest).

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* 9. Are you interested in helping to do outreach for the Local Food Marketing Campaign when it launches? If yes, please select yes below and we’ll send you an update as the campaign is closer to launching.

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* 10. Any other comments?