Annual Meeting Vendor Fair

Hello vendors! Travelers' Rest Connection is now accepting applications to sell at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. 

On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, a small number of vendors may set up in the Atrium of the Holiday Inn Downtown from noon to 6 pm to sell items of relevance to the theme of the Annual Meeting: Crossroads of Travel, Trade, and Time.

Some examples: 
books about the Lewis & Clark Expedition or written by conference presenters, Art or traditional craft made by descendants of the tribes encountered by the Expedition, Items or supplies related to living history or interpretation of the Expedition, Collectibles, etc.
All vendors must be approved by the Annual Meeting Planning Committee.
A vendor fee of $100 includes tables, chairs, electricity, one parking spot, and refreshments. Alternatively, vendors can pay a reduced fee of $60 with a donation of an item to the Silent Auction to benefit the William P. Sherman Library and Archives at the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. A payment link will appear on the next page after all questions are completed.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide contact information

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* 2. What type of items would you like to sell? (select all that apply)

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* 3. Please provide a brief description of what you would like to sell.

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* 4. What is the price range of the items you would like to sell? (select all that apply)

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* 5. Please choose a payment option. A payment link will appear on the next page.

You’ll enter payment info after the survey.