• English
  • Indonesia
  • Русский
  • العربية
  • नेपाली
  • हिन्दी
  • தமிழ்
  • ไทย
  • 中文

1. Welcome

Thank you for your interest in participating in this important study commissioned by Asia Feminist LBQ Network (AFLN). This study aims to find out more about what funding exists for LBQ+ activism in Asia and the Pacific, and what LBQ+ movements' funding needs are. Our hope is that the findings will contribute to more and better resources for LBQ+ activists in Asia and the Pacific through specific recommendations to funders and movement support organizations.
We hope this survey takes no more than 20-30 minutes to complete.
We aim to offer this survey in as many regional languages as possible. It is currently available in English and 7 regional languages: Traditional Chinese, Hindi, Indonesia Bahasa, Nepali, Tamil, Thai and Russian.

Who should take this survey?
This survey is for LBQ+ activists and groups* who are working for the rights of LBQ+ people in Asia and the Pacific. We also invite groups who may not necessarily be led by LBQ+ persons, but have specific projects and programs for the rights of LBQ+ people in Asia and the Pacific, even if they also work on other issues or identities.
*By LBQ+ activists and groups, we mean individual activists who identify as, or organizations led by lesbian, bisexual and queer women, trans, intersex and gender-diverse people, and whose explicit mission it is to advance the rights of lesbian, bisexual and queer women, trans, intersex and gender-diverse people.

We use an expansive geographic definition of Asia: including East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and the Pacific.
Groups can be informal collectives or networks, as well as established organizations. You do not need to be formally registered to take part in this survey.

If you have any questions about this survey, please feel free to reach out to the team: lbqap@proton.me