Laketran Route 8 Community Feedback Survey

1.Is transportation a barrier to get you to: (Check all that apply)
2.Which Route 8 design works best for you? 
Please note, the dotted orange line on Version 2 will provide half hour service along Tyler Blvd & Heisley Rd to Diamond Centre during peak work hours and is in addition to the regular bus line.  (Choose one design)
3.Which destinations should be considered when planning Route 8? (Check all that apply)
4.Which other Laketran route connections are important to you? (Check all that apply)
5.Where do you live?
6.Where do you work? Please be specific. (Example McDonald's – Mentor-on-the-Lake)
7.Please share any additional feedback or comments:
8.Contact/Email: (optional)
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered