Howard Temin UW Lakeshore Path
Lighting and Paving Study 2024

We are conducting a study on the potential impacts of paving and lighting the trail from Willow Creek eastward to the Limnology Building. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, which will help us analyze the current trail conditions and assess potential impacts of paving and lighting.

Question Title

Tell us a little about who you are and how you use the Howard Temin UW Lakeshore Path

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* 1. Which Best describes you? I am a….

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* 2. How do you most often use the trail?

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* 3. How often do you use the trail?

Paving and Lighting Impacts
Please answer the following questions about concerns of paving and lighting the trail

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* 4. If the path remains unpaved as the current aggregate surface, which of the following is your biggest concern? Select up to two.

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* 5. If the path surface is to be paved, which of the following is your biggest concern? Select up to two.

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* 6. If the path is to remain unlit, which of the following is your biggest concern? Select up to two.

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* 7. If the path is to be lighted, which of the following is your biggest concern? Select up to two.