KISS THE GROUND FILM SCREENING FOLLOW UP SURVEY Question Title * 1. First Name (this information will not be shared for any reason and is only needed for the prize drawing) OK Question Title * 2. Last Name (this information will not be shared for any reason and is only needed for the prize drawing) OK Question Title * 3. Email (this information will not be shared for any reason and is only needed for the prize drawing) OK Question Title * 4. What was the main reason you decided to attend the Kiss the Ground Film Screening & Panel Discussion? Interested in the topic Convinced to watch by someone The event was free Have enjoyed past City of Santa Monica’s Sustainable Film Screening Series/Sustainable events Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Is Kiss the Ground the first film you have seen as part of the City of Santa Monica's Sustainable Film Series? Yes No OK Question Title * 6. If 'No', please tell us what other film screenings you have attended. Living in the Future's Past The Biggest Little Farm The Game Changers The Price of Free BLUE Paris to Pittsburgh Eating Animals Climate Warriors JUNK Raft & Straws Wasted! Other OK Question Title * 7. What actions do you plan on taking after watching the film and hearing from the panel? (For more actions you can take, please visit Support Regenerative farmers by shopping at my local Farmers' Market Start a home garden Compost - divert food waste from the landfill and supercharge my garden Encourage my favorite restaurant to become a Zero Foodprint member Support organizations that are working towards a sustainable food system (Give a Ton of Hope campaignZerofoodprint) Take a class to learn more about soil health and regeneration Get involved in the policy-making process to enact laws to support regenerative agriculture (Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren co-sponsored Farm Reformation Act to outlaw CAFOs by 2040) Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. Do you think the Zoom format for the Screening and Q&A was successful? Yes No Please explain OK Question Title * 9. What are your suggestions for improving this type of event? OK DONE