
It is clear to us that kinship carers should have the opportunity to inform the design and delivery of our services. To achieve this we welcome your input and views.

This questionnaire is one way in which we are seeking kinship carers views. We would also like to invite you to a group conversation (please check Engage Barnet or contact Barnet’s Carer Support team for more information). In addition, we are also issuing a questionnaire for children in kinship care (ages 11 to 19). Your and child/ren’s views will be fully taken into consideration when drafting the policy.

It should take between 5 to 15 minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire.

To ensure personal information about you is secure, all your answers will be treated in the strictest of confidence and stored securely in an anonymous format. We never release information that in any way allows an individual to be identified and only report of aggregated groups of respondents.

Thank you for your time and for your responses– your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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