The goal of this survey is to understand the responders’ level of interest and commitment to the current Kantara full matrix interoperability testing, the benefits that participants derive from the testing, and any challenges that responders have in being able to participate in the interop testing.

We are then attempting to determine the amount of value that survey responders believe that alternative types of interoperability testing and Kantara supplied or endorsed tools would bring to their organization.

Full Matrix Interop Testing – A test of standards compliance, and product interoperability involving multiple products. A product is tested with every other product in the interop for each profile that the product wishes to be able to claim compatibility for. There is likely more than one interoperability profile being tested during the event. The testing is facilitated and monitored by an independent third party. At the end of the testing process certifications are given to each product which has successfully demonstrated interoperability with all other products attempting to achieve a given interoperability profile.

Deployment Testing/Online Conformance Testing – An online reference implementation is provided. This reference implementation can be used to determine either the standards conformance of new software, or the standards conformance of a particular software deployment. The testing can either be for internal verification only, or can be independently monitored and result in the awarding of a conformance certification.

The Kantara Initiative interoperability program seeks to address testing and verification needs for varying protocol including but not limited to: SAML 2.0, OpenID, OpenID Connect, OAuth and others as identified by market need. This survey considers approach to verification testing via multiple protocols as determined by market need.

This survey considers asynchronous on-line tools in the approach similar to the Terena Refeds, Fed-Lab offerings.