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The City of Kewaunee is conducting this survey as a way for community members to share their up-front thoughts on its outdoor recreation facilities and activities. Every 5 years, the City updates their Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP) to assess the condition of its parks and open spaces and guide the expansion, enhancement, and preservation of open space and recreation opportunities, as well as to remain eligible for State grant funds. With the current plan set to expire, the City is seeking the public’s input on its current facilities, future needs, and goals, objectives, and action items for the next 5 years (2025-2029).

Question Title

* 1. How satisfied are you with the City of Kewaunee's Park system?

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* 2. Indicate the frequency in with which you and/or anyone in your household visited City of Kewaunee parks in the past year. (check all that apply)

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* 3. Indicate the activities you and/or anyone in your household participate in when you visit City of Kewaunee parks. (check all that apply)

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* 4. What additional recreation activities/amenities do you think City of Kewaunee parks need? (check all that apply)

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* 5. On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being very unsafe and 10 being very safe, how safe do you or a member of your household feel when using the City's parks and trail system?

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* 6. Indicate the frequency in which you and/or anyone in your household used the trails in the City of Kewaunee in the past year.

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* 7. How important is it for the City of Kewaunee to have a trail system that connects with existing parks & business areas?

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* 8. How important is it for the City of Kewaunee to have a trail system that connects to neighboring communities (i.e., Algoma, Luxemburg, etc.)?

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* 9. How important is it for the City of Kewaunee to replace playground equipment on a more routine schedule?

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* 10. How important is it for the City of Kewaunee to have outdoor exercise equipment in parks?

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* 11. Do you think the number of athletic facilities meets the current demand?

  Need More Need Less Enough Don't Know
Soccer Fields
Baseball/Softball Fields
Basketball Courts
Tennis Courts
Pickleball Courts

Question Title

* 12. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following services.

  Poor Below Average Average Above Average Excellent No Opinion
Overall Parks & Recreation Department Services
Youth Recreation Programs
Youth Sports Programs
Adult Recreation Programs
Adult Sports Programs
Senior Citizen Programs
Athletic Fields
Rental Facilities

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* 13. If additional money was available for Parks and Recreation improvements, please rank the following items to indicate your priority for where dollars should be spent:

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* 14. Would you be willing to volunteer periodically to assist with park maintenance and upkeep?

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* 15. Would you be willing to volunteer to coach youth sports and/or other youth recreation programs?

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* 16. If the City identified the need and adequate space for an off-leash dog park, would you be willing to volunteer to assist with maintenance and upkeep of the facility (i.e., join a ‘friends of the dog park’ group)?

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* 17. What is your age?

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* 18. How long have you lived in the City of Kewaunee?

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* 19. Please provides us with additional comments and suggestions you may have.

0 of 19 answered