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* 1. Please enter your name / phone number..

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* 2. The Advocate / Career Guidance Teacher

The Role of the Advocate

The Advocate will help you to develop a Career Path Plan and guide you towards reaching your goals.  As every learner will have different goals, interests and hobbies, the Advocate will meet with you for a one to one session to talk about your interests and develop a Career Path Plan that suits you!

During your time in Kylemore CTC, Rory McEvitt (our Advocate) will help you with the following:
  1. Assist you to source work experience
  2. Assist you with your CV/cover letter building
  3. Advise you how to job search
  4. Advise you on QQI Level 5 Courses
  5. Assist you with QQI Level 5 Applications
  6. Help prepare you for interview
  7. Conduct mock interviews with you
  8. Provide personal support
  9. Organise information sessions relevant to you

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* 3. More about us....

We are funded by The City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB).  ETBs provide training opportunities for Irish workers to increase their own skills, gain qualifications and then access better jobs. 

The European Union (EU) part funds a number of ETB programmes in order to raise the skills levels of people living in Ireland.  This in turn raises our competitiveness and our ability to provide goods and services which provide value for money.

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* 4. Qualifications

QQI stands for "Quality and Qualifications Ireland" (ACCREDITATION (CERTIFICATION) OFFERED BY KCTC

The awards we offer are selected based on labour market needs and are chosen to give you the learner the best possible skills to get a job or progress to further education and training.  Each award is recognised at a particular level.  There are ten levels on the (NFQ) "National Framework of Qualifications" in Ireland.

To progress on the NFQ ladder, you have to receive a Major Award for studying different modules.  Each award is put together to help you in planning your future career choices and support your development.

The higher you go on the ladder, the more focused and specialised your study becomes.  This means that you can become an expert in your chosen field of study and work.

Within each award there are minor modules or components that you receive credits for.  (Think of a game where you receive points as a reward for completing levels it is similar to this).

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* 5. National Framework of qualifications
Below is a picture of  the National Framework of qualifications (NFQ) ‘fan’.  This fan provides you with information on the different types of certification in the Irish Education system.  You can see from the fan that there are 10 levels at which you can achieve a recognised qualification. 

 Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) provides you with a certificate when you achieve your award.  They are responsible for the maintenance and development of the NFQ and the quality assurance of training programmes offered.

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* 6. The Following awards are available - please tick the award(s) that you would like to achieve

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning refers to the practice of recognising the knowledge, skills and competence an individual learner already has acquired.  It helps to facilitate access, transfer and progression of learners through the recognition of prior learning within the National Framework of Qualifications.  

Here in KCTC we will take note of any certification you have achieved before you came to the centre to help put your award together.

  • Formal learning which takes place through programmes of study or training that are delivered by education or training providers, and which attract awards.
  • Non-formal learning such as learning and training activities undertaken in the workplace, voluntary sector or community.
  • Informal learning that takes place through life and work.

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* 7. Mandatory Modules

All Learners will have the opportunity to complete Communications, Mathematics, Personal Effectiveness, and Computer modules. 

You need these modules in order to complete a Major Award.

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* 8. Level 3 Modules

The following level 3 modules are offered in the centre - please tick the ones you are most interested in doing....

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* 9. Level 4 Modules

The following level 4 modules are offered in the centre - please tick the ones you are most interested in doing....

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* 10. I confirm that I have completed the questionnaire above...
(Enter your name in the box below)