Noble Tea Kava Bar Wants to Know What YOU Think & Feel About the Community.

Please share some of your thoughts, opinions, and experiences around the kava community so that way we can incorporate them into our plans and create for you the best kava bar in Brevard County, Florida.

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* 1. How often do you visit kava bars?

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* 2. What initially attracted you to visit a kava bar?

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* 3. What are the most important factors for you when choosing a kava bar? Select all that apply

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* 4. Can you describe a memorable positive experience you had at a kava bar?

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* 5. Have you had any negative experiences at a kava bar? Please describe.

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* 6. What have you found to have been lacking at kava bars in general? Select all that apply.

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* 7. What unique features would you like to see in a kava bar that you haven't seen elsewhere?

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* 8. Will you make it out to see us once the bar is built out?