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* 1. Motivation. Successful freelance writers are internally motivated to work on their business. How driven are you to make a success of your freelance writing career? For instance, do you find yourself blowing off TV because you want to work on your freelance goals, and that it’s easy to psych up for marketing your writing?

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* 2. Available time. How much time do you have to devote to launching your freelance writing career?

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* 3. Self-confidence. How confident are you in your abilities as a writer? How do you feel about putting yourself out there and marketing your writing?

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* 4. Flexibility. Are you willing to explore any and all types of writing that might pay the bills, or are you only willing to pursue a specific type such as writing for national consumer magazines?

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* 5. Other options. Do you have other means of putting food on the table — a career you could resume, or a spouse earning a decent income?

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* 6. Financial resources. Do you have the money to invest a little in the tools and learning you might need to succeed in freelance writing?

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* 7. Positive feedback. Are you someone who always got A’s in creative writing or English? Have you won writing contests, or had others praise your work?

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* 8. Education. Have you ever studied English, journalism, creative writing, copywriting, or marketing?

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* 9. Pro writing experience. Have you ever written for pay before, either as a freelancer or staffer?

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* 10. Business experience. Have you ever had your own home-based business before, or helped manage a business for someone else?