Dear Parents,

Next Wednesday and Thursday are the last two days of school and minimum day dismissals. Students will be dismissed at Noon on both days.

Extended Day is available until 6pm, if needed. There is no charge if you have an Extended Day contract, and a $30 drop-in fee if you do not have a contract.

Please respond below so that we know where to dismiss your child at noon next week.

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Child/children's first name(s)

Question Title

* 2. Child/children's last name

Question Title

* 3. On Wednesday, June 8 my child/children:

Question Title

* 4. On Thursday, June 9 my child/children:

Question Title

* 5. Comments/special circumstances:

Question Title

* 6. I have an Extended Day contract

To enroll your child/children as a drop-in, a $30 fee will be added to your TADS tuition account.

Thank you!