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Survey Purpose

The U.S.-Japan partnership has developed through a deep and broad array of people-to-people relationships and experiences forming the building blocks of meaningful engagement. Recently, the U.S.-Japan community came together to express concerns regarding the Government of Japan’s ongoing closure of Japan’s borders to researchers, academics, government officials and others who are closely invested in this important bilateral relationship.

Please respond to the following four questions that will help us communicate the long-term impact of Japan's border closings on people-to-people exchange.

Question Title

* 1. What program(s) at your institution have been curtailed, modified, or ended because of Japan's closed borders?

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* 2. How many people in your school, university, or organization have been impacted directly by Japan's border closures (students, researchers, program participants, etc.)?

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* 3. What financial impact has the travel ban had on your institution, researchers, students, and program participants? Please describe in numbers (dollars/yen).

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* 4. (Optional) Please share specific anecdotes from students/researchers, etc., who have had their lives and/or livelihoods deeply affected by the border closings. If we have your permission to share these stories, please include first name, last initial and location – i.e. Kelly S. from Virginia.

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