Consent agreement
I agree to the ASXL Rare Research Endowment Foundation (ARRE Foundation) using the image(s) and/or story and give hereby the ARRE Foundation permission to publish, use and republish the attached material, in whole or in part, in publications which describe the Foundation’s programs, funds and any of its activities as a community foundation.
The said material may include a photograph(s), video(s), stories, quotes and testimonials (written, audio or video recorded).
The said material may be used before a variety of audiences which may include the ARRE Foundation’s staff and directors, current and potential donors and grantees of the ARRE Foundation, the news media and the general public. Publication may appear in newsletters, annual reports, brochures, posters, website pages, social media or other forms of literature, including electronic and print.
I understand that I may withdraw this consent at any time by forwarding such request, in writing, to the ARRE Foundation.