JATSO’s Public Participation Plan Question Title * 1. How familiar are you with the Joplin Area Transportation Study Organization (JATSO) and its role in the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) region? I am very familiar with JATSO and have participated in plans, committees, and activities I am familiar with MPOs and JATSO, but I have never participated in planning activities I have heard of JATSO, but I’m not sure what they do This survey is the first time I have heard of JATSO and MPOs Question Title * 2. Which of these JATSO plans or activities are familiar? (select as many as you would like) Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trail Planning Public Participation Plan Unified Planning Work Program Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Active Transportation Plan None of the above Question Title * 3. Please rank (1-7) the following in order of your personal interest Question Title * 4. How would you best describe your current involvement with the transportation planning process? Very involved as part of my profession Very involved as an interested citizen I’m only involved when the project or issue affects me I’m only involved when the project or issue is of interest to me I am never involved Question Title * 5. What barriers, if any, prevent you from becoming more involved with JATSO and MPO planning activities? (select as many as you would like) I don’t have enough free time to participate I feel that I am not familiar with the issues I don’t know where or how to comment I don’t think my input will make a difference Meeting locations and times are not convenient I think decisions are made behind closed doors I don’t want to be involved Language barriers make it difficult to participate ADA needs make it difficult to participate Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What are your preferred methods for getting information and providing comments? (select up to five methods) Email Brochures/Fact Sheets posted in public buildings and libraries Community Events Facebook Public Meetings JATSO Website (News & Updates, add a comments) Speak directly to a JATSO staff person Web-based Surveys Hard Copy Surveys City of Joplin Website See Click Fix Concern Tool on City Website Newspaper Articles Postcards/Mailings sent to your home Radio and Television advertisements X (Twitter) YouTube videos Question Title * 7. Which of the following best describes you? Government Employee Non-Profit/Community Organization Employee Member of the Public Person with Disabilities Bicycle Enthusiast Elected Official Public Transit Rider Non-Profit Transit Provider Taxi Service Provider Freight/Shipping Driver Public Transit Employee Other (please specify) Done