The survey was initially addressed to registered participants of the "talks" convened on 7 February 2020 at the Graduate Institute to explore the potential for an "international negotiation platform": It is now made available to all negotiators and interested parties.

Participants are encouraged to contribute to the survey and to elaborate, if possible, on the views in the comment boxes.

Please note that this survey is completely anonymous.

For issues related to the survey or the platform itself, participants are welcome to contact the facilitator:

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* 1. Would you currently identify yourself as belonging to (tick one box)?

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* 2. Would you broadly agree that there is a need to better recognize the role of negotiation and negotiators to address global challenges?

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* 3. Would you find it useful to build bridges between the different worlds of negotiations within public institutions, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders?

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* 4. In your view, what would be the rationale for establishing an “international negotiation platform” (please tick one or several boxes)?

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* 5. Against the background of a century of multilateralism and as the United Nations turns 75, could an “international negotiation platform” be a useful space for negotiators across sectors and regions to incubate new forms and spaces for negotiation as a means to contribute to global cooperation and to the greater good?

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* 6. Which concrete initiatives could an “international negotiation platform” facilitate (choose one or several options)?

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* 7. Should an international negotiation platform operate across regions and sectors, and in different languages, to the extent possible?

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* 8. At first sight and assuming that the platform would be based in Geneva and that some resources would be publicly available, what could be the criteria to access the platform itself (choose one or several criteria)?

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* 9. Would you agree that the governance, funding and activities of the platform should be conceived in such a way that it guarantees the platform’s independence, and allows to test and scale up?

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* 10. Would you like to share other views and suggestions regarding this initiative? An example of an effective platform initiative which ought to be referred to as a potential model?

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* 11. Please indicate your country of origin:

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* 12. Please provide your name and email address in case you would like to be kept informed on progress regarding this initiative.