Instructions and Disclosures

Treating and Managing Asthma in the Convenient Care Clinic Setting

Date: Enduring Material (end date: October 31, 2016)
Time: 1 hour webinar

Overall Purpose:
Through multiple mechanisms, including the judgment of the continuing education (CE) planning group, the Convenient Care Association has identified a gap in best practices in diagnosing, treating and educating all patients with asthma. The overall aim and objective of this program is to increase the education of CCC providers and patients about asthma conditions, new and emerging treatment guidelines, medication options and proper medication management which will lead to better patient outcomes.

John Delfs, MD

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe asthma conditions – etiology, risk factors, and symptoms
2. Describe the best practices for treating and managing asthma
3. Facilitate best-practice patient counseling with tools designed for this point of care

Target Audience: Retail clinicians including physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

1) Read all disclosures and information below and confirm that you have reviewed this information.
2) Click the "Next" button to go on to a brief pre­training survey.
3) Click "Next" and you will be directed to view the educational webinar via a web link.
4) View webinar before returning to survey.
5) Click "Next" to go on to post­training survey.
6) Click "Go to CE evaluation" to be redirected to the evaluation and credit award site.

How to Obtain CME Credit
Participants will earn 1 contact credit hours for their participation if they attended the entire webinar. Participants must complete Pre­ and Post­ online evaluation in order to obtain a CE certificate. A link to the online CE system is provided at the end of the webinar and post­survey.