Question Title

* Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. Would you be willing to talk with our editors on how to improve the newsletters? If so, type your e-mail in below. If no, select "No".

Question Title

* What newsletter content is particularly useful to you?

Question Title

* What’s missing from the newsletter or what could we be doing better?

Question Title

* Rank the newsletter sections below in order of favorite (1) to least favorite (5).

  1. on our plate
  2. things to do
  3. school's briefing
  4. on the market
  5. community news

Question Title

* How would you describe the tone of our newsletter?"

Question Title

* Select whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree
I don't like the look of the newsletter.
I like the look of the newsletter.
I like the tone of the newsletter.
The newsletter is helpful to me and my community.

Question Title

* What is the zipcode where you currently reside?

Question Title

* Which Inquirer Local newsletter did you come from?