Please use the form below to register for an informational conference call about the Jewish Organizing Fellowship. The call will take place on Wednesday, February 15 from 5:30-6:30 PM EST. It will feature current Fellows, alumni, and JOIN staff, to provide you with details and answer your questions about the application process or the Fellowship experience. You will receive the call-in information once we receive your RSVP.

For more information about the Fellowship, visit With questions, email

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Email

Question Title

* 4. Phone Number

Question Title

* 5. How did you learn about this conference call? 

Question Title

* 6. Which statement below best describes where you're at?

Question Title

* 7. How did you hear about the Jewish Organizing Fellowship? (Please include specific lists, websites, or people):

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any accessibility needs you would like us to know? We will make every effort to meet these needs, and will be in touch with you.

Question Title

* 9. Anything else you'd like to share with us?