1. Informed consent

5% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1.
Researchers led by Prof. Rajesh N. Sharan, Ph. D. and Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, M.D. have designed a study titled: “Understanding the profile of electronic-cigarette (e-cigarette) users, pattern of e-cigarette usage and its impact assessment in India: An online survey"

The goal of this research project is to understand the patterns of e-cigarette usage and its impact on the consumers in India. Additionally, we intend to identify the profile of e-cigarette users and how e-cigarette usage has impacted their health and affected their smoking habit. Participants shall be asked to voluntarily answer a series of questions online through the well-known internet survey service provider, “Survey Monkey”.

Typically this survey should take about 10-15 minutes of your time. We appreciate your patience because we request a lot of information which is important to fully explore and understand the characteristics of e-cigarette users in India.

All participants are requested to read and agree with this informed consent and “Survey Monkey” terms of use before participating in this study. Thank you!

Participants run practically no health risks by participating in this study.

One may not personally benefit from this study. However, there may be a benefit to the society because the study will help us understand the characteristics and patterns of e-cigarette usage, and this may help those smokers who are trying to quit smoking. Moreover, the study may also provide valuable information to regulators, policy makers and organizations responsible for public health and safety aspects associated with e-cigarette in India.

All questions or queries related to your participation in the study may be addressed to Prof. Rajesh N. Sharan (RNSHARAN@GMAIL.COM) and/or Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos (KFARSALINOS@GMAIL.COM) who shall respond to it as soon as possible and to the best of their knowledge and abilities.

Your participation to the study is absolutely voluntary. You may stop participating at any time, without any penalty or loss of benefit that you would otherwise receive.

No personal details like name and address are asked for in this study. We voluntarily ask for your email address/ID in order to update you on the outcome of this study as well as to compare answers of future surveys, publications, etc. However, you can participate in this study without mentioning your email ID.

The researchers ascertain that all data received by “Survey Monkey” will be used for analysis and interpretation only, and will not be released to any third parties. Confidentiality shall be maintained to the highest degree permitted by the technology being used by a reliable and widely used respected internet survey service (“Survey Monkey”).
Do you accept the terms to participate to the study?