A Survey for Members of the Media
The following survey is intended to be used as research about the impact of the media on victims and survivors of traumatic events. This research is being conducted by former journalist, Victimology professor and Pickup Communications founder Tamara Cherry with the goal of producing educational materials that will help investigators, victim service providers and members of the media better understand and support victims and survivors in their interactions (or lack thereof) with the media. Your responses may be quoted fully, or in part, within materials (such as a research paper, book, presentations and various other educational tools) connected to the research. If you do not wish to be identified in these materials, please indicate in the appropriate section at the end of this survey and your wishes will be respected. Please answer each question as fully as you feel comfortable.
Thank you for your participation. Your voice is important and your insights are valuable.
Thank you for your participation. Your voice is important and your insights are valuable.