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Calling all 2024 iGEM Teams: We invite you to participate in an exciting AI x SynBio study!

  • Instructions
    • Please give answers that reflect your individual work on your iGEM project (rather than on behalf of your team). For example, if someone else on your team is using OpenFold to design proteins, but you have never run the software, do not include it in your answers.
    • Multiple members of a team are encouraged to participate, as we're keen to explore the use of AI across different roles, expertise levels, and stages of a project.
  • Notes & Disclaimers
    • Participating in this study is not a deliverable, medal requirement or other judging-related aspect of the iGEM Competition.
    • Personal/Individual data collection is conducted under iGEM’s Privacy Policy.
    • While aggregated data from this study may be shared publicly for informational or research purposes, individual responses will remain confidential and will not be disclosed outside of iGEM without prior consent.
  • Have questions or issues with the survey? Please contact
In this study, AI tools refer to the full range of software applications, models and systems using artificial intelligence technologies that contribute to advance all stages of your project (Ideation, iGEM Engineering Cycle: Design/Build/Test/Learn, Documentation).
Within your iGEM project...

Question Title

* 1. Are you currently using AI tools?
This refers to your individual use, not your team's use.

Question Title

* 2. Are you planning to use AI tools?
This refers to your individual use, not your team's use.

Question Title

* 3. Are you currently developing AI tools?
This refers to your individual use, not your team's use.

Question Title

* 4. Are you planning to develop AI tools?
This refers to your individual use, not your team's use.

Question Title

* 5. Which specific tools are you using or planning to use?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 6. How do these AI tools assist with tasks in the Ideation stage of your project?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 7. (In the Ideation stage) On a scale of 1 to 5, how much trust do you place in the results generated by AI tools?
1 indicating minimal trust and 5 indicating full confidence

Question Title

* 8. (In the Ideation stage) Do you plan to validate the information derived from AI tools? If so, how?

Question Title

* 9. How do these AI tools assist with tasks in the Design stage of your project?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 10. (In the Design stage) On a scale of 1 to 5, how much trust do you place in the results generated by AI tools?
1 indicating minimal trust and 5 indicating full confidence

Question Title

* 11. (In the Design stage) Do you plan to validate the information derived from AI tools? If so, how?

Question Title

* 12. How do these AI tools assist with tasks in the Build stage of your project?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 13. (In the Build stage) Do you plan to validate the information derived from AI tools? If so, how?

Question Title

* 14. (In the Build stage) On a scale of 1 to 5, how much trust do you place in the results generated by AI tools?
1 indicating minimal trust and 5 indicating full confidence

Question Title

* 15. How do these AI tools assist with tasks in the Test stage of your project?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 16. (In the Test stage) On a scale of 1 to 5, how much trust do you place in the results generated by AI tools?
1 indicating minimal trust and 5 indicating full confidence

Question Title

* 17. (In the Test stage) Do you plan to validate the information derived from AI tools? If so, how?

Question Title

* 18. How do these AI tools assist with tasks in the Learn stage of your project?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 19. (In the Learn stage) On a scale of 1 to 5, how much trust do you place in the results generated by AI tools?
1 indicating minimal trust and 5 indicating full confidence

Question Title

* 20. (In the Learn stage) Do you plan to validate the information derived from AI tools? If so, how?

Question Title

* 21. How do these AI tools assist with tasks in the Documentation stage of your project?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 22. (In the Documentation stage) Do you plan to validate the information derived from AI tools? If so, how?
1 indicating minimal trust and 5 indicating full confidence

Question Title

* 23. (In the Documentation phase) How have you or do you plan to validate the information derived from AI tools?

Question Title

* 24. What challenges do you face when using AI tools ?
Select all that apply and specify any others

Question Title

* 25. Your Information

Question Title

* 26. Do you have any feedback on this survey or anything that you would like to share with us?

0 of 26 answered